This forum... bunch of sticks up yalls asses... and shit that doesn't stink!


See how that works LanceM? Normal people don't get all butthurt just because someone on the interweb doesn't like what you chose to buy.

.... or, are you butthurt mudmobeeler? :shock: :crazyeyes: :D

No not butt hurt at all. After all its my jeep, I pay for it. So the only true opinion about my jeep that matters is mine. Does that mean if somebody disagrees with me should I throw a hissy fit? Nope. Unsafe is unsafe no matter what brand it is.
No not butt hurt at all. After all its my jeep, I pay for it. So the only true opinion about my jeep that matters is mine. Does that mean if somebody disagrees with me should I throw a hissy fit? Nope. Unsafe is unsafe no matter what brand it is.

Which is how this whole thing started...

"Bro, seriously, unsafe. I would not recommend actually using those things as a recovery point. Someone could legitimately die."

"Wha-wha-WHAT!? MMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!! I'm getting a virtual wedgie from a big bad Internet bully!!! They said my cheap recovery points could kill someooooooone!!! WHAAAAAAABABABABBAABALLALALALALLALAFAFAFAFAFAAAAAAAAAAA!!! You guy's stink!!! Ya big poopie-heads!!!"

"Huh? Seriously bro?"

I still don't get it.

2013 CG JKU
LOL!! I had been out celebrating my birthday with friends and found that this loser sent me the following PM...

LanceM said:
Ive done some homework and read up about you... I completely understand your actions much clearer now... So according to your own rules...

How to I have my account deleted from
You can't. We do not allow members to have their accounts deleted. Don't like the forum, don't visit it anymore. Any request to have an account deleted will result in the suspension of it or, have it banned depending on how the request is made.

I request to have my account deleted... Ive grown tired of you and your minions...

Hey LanceM, be a man for once in your life and just go away. :rolleyes2:
I think it's funny how people get so upset when you disagree with them on something and they go to extreme measures defending it.

I can't see for the life of me how those d-ring mounts were even compared to EVOs. I couldn't even begin to tell you the engineering/math but can clearly see that the EVO ones are a lot better.

It's like all the butt hurt people on any of those shows like American Idol, you can't tell me that somebody in their life hasn't told them that they sucked at singing way before they tried out for the show. Then they are furious that they weren't picked.
I think it's funny how people get so upset when you disagree with them on something and they go to extreme measures defending it.

I can't see for the life of me how those d-ring mounts were even compared to EVOs. I couldn't even begin to tell you the engineering/math but can clearly see that the EVO ones are a lot better.

It's like all the butt hurt people on any of those shows like American Idol, you can't tell me that somebody in their life hasn't told them that they sucked at singing way before they tried out for the show. Then they are furious that they weren't picked.

That's the problem. You can't tell a kid he's not good at something anymore. Everyone wins. Everyone is beautiful. Grade on a curve. You DESERVE anything you could ever dream of regardless of whether you have earned it or not. That attitude is why we are facing the things that we are facing these days.

What happened to the days when if the man next to you was down in the dirt, you picked him up, brushed him off, told him to pick his chin up and try again?

Nowadays that's not the right thing to do.

You've got to get down in the dirt with them, sing them a song, cry about it, hug it out, talk about it for a while, make him feel comfortable and happy with his current situation down in the dirt because it's HIS dirt and it's beautiful dirt and then you damn well better not try and get yourself up out of the dirt because then you are just a bigot who is somehow discriminating and trampling his rights because you don't wanna be down in the dirt anymore.

That's how people like this came to be so damned prevalent in society today... and the worst part is that it's so ingrained into people these days that they can't even look in the mirror and see what's looking back at them. It'll always be someone else's fault or responsibility.

2013 CG JKU
That's the problem. You can't tell a kid he's not good at something anymore. Everyone wins. Everyone is beautiful. Grade on a curve. You DESERVE anything you could ever dream of regardless of whether you have earned it or not. That attitude is why we are facing the things that we are facing these days.

What happened to the days when if the man next to you was down in the dirt, you picked him up, brushed him off, told him to pick his chin up and try again?

Nowadays that's not the right thing to do.

You've got to get down in the dirt with them, sing them a song, cry about it, hug it out, talk about it for a while, make him feel comfortable and happy with his current situation down in the dirt because it's HIS dirt and it's beautiful dirt and then you damn well better not try and get yourself up out of the dirt because then you are just a bigot who is somehow discriminating and trampling his rights because you don't wanna be down in the dirt anymore.

That's how people like this came to be so damned prevalent in society today... and the worst part is that it's so ingrained into people these days that they can't even look in the mirror and see what's looking back at them. It'll always be someone else's fault or responsibility.

2013 CG JKU

This is the truest stuff I've read all day. Great post.
That's the problem. You can't tell a kid he's not good at something anymore. Everyone wins. Everyone is beautiful. Grade on a curve. You DESERVE anything you could ever dream of regardless of whether you have earned it or not. That attitude is why we are facing the things that we are facing these days.

What happened to the days when if the man next to you was down in the dirt, you picked him up, brushed him off, told him to pick his chin up and try again?

Nowadays that's not the right thing to do.

You've got to get down in the dirt with them, sing them a song, cry about it, hug it out, talk about it for a while, make him feel comfortable and happy with his current situation down in the dirt because it's HIS dirt and it's beautiful dirt and then you damn well better not try and get yourself up out of the dirt because then you are just a bigot who is somehow discriminating and trampling his rights because you don't wanna be down in the dirt anymore.

That's how people like this came to be so damned prevalent in society today... and the worst part is that it's so ingrained into people these days that they can't even look in the mirror and see what's looking back at them. It'll always be someone else's fault or responsibility.

2013 CG JKU

Thats no joke, our lovely society is getting worse everyday.

And what happened to the good old fashioned passionate ass whoopin? We (my buddies and myself) use to give them out right and left, use to take them all the time too. Had my ass whooped plenty of times, never called the cops. I tended to my wounds and dealt with it, usually I would see the guy/s again and try my luck again with him. Now a days people want to start something and then call the cops quicker than crap when they realize they screwed up and are about to get a fist sandwich for lunch. Some of my good friends have come about because we got into a fight with each other, afterwards we would shake hands and buy each other a beer or two.
Damn it, I hate the fact that i had to find out I was gay cause I like the fascia plate and Eddie doesn't! Your wrong Eddie, your wrong! LOL. There is no way in Hell that somebody could disagree with me!

Now that I came out of the closet, I need to tell my wife I guess. Boy is this gonna be fun.

Edited for spelling.

Oh, last night while lying in bed, I told my wife I was gay. She said I wasn't and then proceeded to prove it. :thumb: I think I might tell her that I am still unsure of it again tonight. See if it works to my favor again! :2thumbsup:
:cheesy: So, I was going though and approving people who signed up on the forum and found that LanceM's name came up. Of course, the only way his name would come up again is if he tried changing his email address as that would require him to approve the changes or me approving the change for him. Well, being that he changed it to "", he wasn't going to be able to do it and so I did. Hi LanceM, looks like you're still here :D

I also took a moment to look at his profile to see if he made any other changes and, low and behold, he did. Apparently, we're all "faggots" but his favorite trail is "dick fucks" :cheesy:

:cheesy: So, I was going though and approving people who signed up on the forum and found that LanceM's name came up. Of course, the only way his name would come up again is if he tried changing his email address as that would require him to approve the changes or me approving the change for him. Well, being that he changed it to "", he wasn't going to be able to do it and so I did. Hi LanceM, looks like you're still here :D

I also took a moment to look at his profile to see if he made any other changes and, low and behold, he did. Apparently, we're all "faggots" but his favorite trail is "dick fucks" :cheesy:

View attachment 110533

All of this because he posted on a thread that was months old and offered an inferior product as an acceptable replacement for the EVO Facia and D Ring mount. :crazyeyes:
:cheesy: So, I was going though and approving people who signed up on the forum and found that LanceM's name came up. Of course, the only way his name would come up again is if he tried changing his email address as that would require him to approve the changes or me approving the change for him. Well, being that he changed it to "", he wasn't going to be able to do it and so I did. Hi LanceM, looks like you're still here :D

I also took a moment to look at his profile to see if he made any other changes and, low and behold, he did. Apparently, we're all "faggots" but his favorite trail is "dick fucks" :cheesy:

View attachment 110533

Well atleast he has an automatic.....
:cheesy: So, I was going though and approving people who signed up on the forum and found that LanceM's name came up. Of course, the only way his name would come up again is if he tried changing his email address as that would require him to approve the changes or me approving the change for him. Well, being that he changed it to "", he wasn't going to be able to do it and so I did. Hi LanceM, looks like you're still here :D

I also took a moment to look at his profile to see if he made any other changes and, low and behold, he did. Apparently, we're all "faggots" but his favorite trail is "dick fucks" :cheesy:

View attachment 110533

Can we get a WAYALIFE group run to "dick fucks?" I also heard the 2017 Wrangler will be IFS, and the rubicon name will be dropped, replaced by Wrangler "Dick Fucks." Also, there will be a Dick Fucks X package, complete with truck nuts.
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