Trail Jeeps build

That's awesome :thumb:......Wes said he'd be putting pics up as the build progresses........this is the first of many I hope.......can't wait to get my rig back driving my Ford Explorer just isn't the same :grayno:

Im ready to see it done. Its gonna be a beast.

Ha i saw that... gotta be a crazy good feeling to see your own rig posted up like that.
Seeing it on Trail Jeeps im sure is good.
The wait has got to be killing you,can't wait to see more

Oh it's killing me Charlie........I've gone 7 weeks without it so far and I'm losing it lol......I wave at other Jeeps from my Ford Explorer and get the WTF look back.......rolled up to a nice Jeep at a traffic light yesterday and waved at him and said "Nice Jeep".....he said thanks.....I told him I got one myself and he gave me that "sure you do" look.......I'm "Embracing the suck" right now till I get my rig back.....:rolleyes2:

totally swing by Tampa on the way back, shit i'll bunk work to meet up...

subscribed - can't wait to see it...

I love these build threads, nothing better than seeing someones rig take shape, especially when I have not got the coin to do it to my own just yet...
Update.........Tim called me to give me an update on my rig and shared some pics via text today......She's coming together nicely :thumb:


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Brings joy to my heart to see people actually building the Jeep they've always wanted the way the want to do.
Thank you guys........I can't wait to get behind the wheel and drive her and to experience what it is to wheel out west.........reaping the rewards of many years of hard work and sacrifice......Moab and the Rubicon Trail is no longer a pipe dream.......Awesomeness squared!!

To be continued. .......

Thank you guys........I can't wait to get behind the wheel and drive her and to experience what it is to wheel out west.........reaping the rewards of many years of hard work and sacrifice......Moab and the Rubicon Trail is no longer a pipe dream.......Awesomeness squared!!

To be continued. .......


Well, it wouldn't have been a pipe dream to do both Moab and the Rubicon with what you had but, what you will have will make it that much easier and you will be able to take on harder lines. Be sure to let us know when you'll be heading out this way. If it works out, we'd love to have you join us on our run. :yup:
Well, it wouldn't have been a pipe dream to do both Moab and the Rubicon with what you had but, what you will have will make it that much easier and you will be able to take on harder lines. Be sure to let us know when you'll be heading out this way. If it works out, we'd love to have you join us on our run. :yup:

I will for sure let you all know and would love to join you guys on a run........and if i can I'd like to make it a yearly thing to get out west and wheel with you guys :thumb:

Damn, your patience definitely paid off. Any ETA on when it will be finished?

This is definitely the shop I'll be taking mine to and thinking of your drive from Florida makes mine seem a lot better from AZ.

Congrats man. I'm sure you'll love it.
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