What happened guys?

I don't want to blow anyone's mind or anything.... but my comment about the need for a sarcasm font was in itself, made in sarcasm :thinking:
Alright- I know how this "could" turn out, and most of the time does- but that's not what I'm going for here.
I love this forum- it's the only forum that I am on, and I have met a lot of great people from it. There is good information, and good people. I like Eddie and Cindy, and have no intention of leaving.

I've had several friends lately who have just given up on wal, and I don't like that. Long term, super active members, who have just decided they've had enough- and why don't people say something instead of just leaving? -because anyone who says one thing like this is immediately turned on and roasted.

I'm not trying to be roasted, I'm not emotionally worked up about this like some will likely say, my panties aren't in a bunch, I'm not going to say bad things about anyone, and I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. To be perfectly honest- as of lately, when people ask me about the decals on the jeep, or the wal shirt I'm wearing- I have to give a disclaimer about "they really are a great group of guys- very helpful, just be careful what you say". What the crap... Why should I have to give people warnings just so they don't get roasted on one of the hot topics like axles or Chinese parts (btw ATX is made in China)

The forum that I joined that was fun and friendly has just turned into a place where people are scared to post what they actually think in fear of getting ridiculed. I don't know what the actual numbers are, but it seems like since this turn, activity on the site has been decreasing.

So- can we turn it around?
I'm not asking for us all to get around a fire and sing kumbaya, just wanted to give my 2 cents that I'm sure none of you will care about, and let you know where I stand on this.

I hope this is received in the right way.

Here here. Been here a long time..Definitely notice a difference. Very unfortunate.
I think the big reason most of us stick around here is because its got a truly family/friendly environment. Family and friends tend to disagree and talk shit more to one another than to strangers. They are also quick to come to the defense or aid of each other. I see that most of the people who have gotten mad an upset and most likely left are the types that feel society's sense of entitlement. They feel that everyone should go along with what they say or do. That its all puppies and rainbows. I feel safe in saying that the majority of people who enjoy it here have very open minds and understand that you're not always going to be right. There are going to be differences in opinions and unfortunately that cute puppy may end up getting smashed on the road. Such is life, be yourself and also know that others are going to be their selves and sometimes its not going to mesh with you. If Chris wasn't calling someone a pussy (btw who is Hollie Fuck?..haha) Adam wasn't just being a dick to everyone, and Frank wasn't talking shit about my occupation at every S&G this place wouldn't be the same...;) They also offer up good advice and are the first to come to the assistance on the trail (In Franks case the Mall) too. Its just their personalities and everyone is different. If you ask for an opinion, well you know the saying about opinions, take is as such. I proudly fly my Wayalife stickers and wave to everyone, even the Pirate 4x4 guy who lives near me, guess what, he waves back. Jay posted a saying in which his Grandpa used to say and it makes the most sense, so much that its actually on my gov e-mail signature. Something I was told early in my supervisory career was that you can never make everyone happy, same holds true to life. Eddie and Cindy, thanks for the great forum its turned into a great community. It truly is a Wayalife. Hopefully I get another opportunity to hang out on the trail again. Also thanks for always being yourself and holding true to what you believe, never giving into the pressure of others to change the way you do "business"....:beer: I've posted Jay's Grandpa's quote below.

"If you stick your head above a crowd someone will get jealous and throw a tomato at it. Don't let that stop you from holding it high." - Jay's Grandpa
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It's a nice day right?
It's true that some people in this forum can be dicks some times but fuck it more people in the forum are cool that's why I will stay
And again you can't fix
Stupidity so what can you spect

And that's my $0.02 cents 😗
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