12' Gecko Build

Soft top has maybe an inch and hard top can’t have too much more than that. This would be for the four door not the two door.

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Ah gottcha I was thinking 2door.
If you get the kit with the quick disconnect feet the backbone itself sits really flush the the hard top and should fit just fine. Overall the whole thing sits higher when the platform is on but it should be much faster to take the pioneer rack off when you want to garage it.


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Noticed today my front tires have a bit of an odd wear to them (not really wear but where the dirt from my alley wore off driving to work) seems like I have more contact on the outside and I'm missing some contact on the inside. My guess is my toe is a little too far in. The unit bearings and ball joints are new with the axle swap 5kish miles ago so I doubt they have anything to do with it and I imagine they would cause the opposite wear pattern any ways.

Thoughts? Too far toe in? My tie rod took a good hit last trip out but it still looks straight and I have no adverse driving affect. And when I put the new tie rod in I set it to 1/8" toe in.


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Did a 5 tire rotation, checked my toe and yeah turns out I was 1/2" toe in, way too much which would explain the pattern I saw on my front tires. Set it to just a hair inside 1/8" toe in hopefully that helps. Also adjusted my steering wheel again but it's still not quite perfect but such is life.

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So just doing the driver side first to make sure I can keep the airbag stuff straight. Under the driver's seat there is 1 main connection that splits into 2. One for the seatbelt and one for the airbag. The seatbelt one is obvious but the airbag one is interesting. It plugs into what looks like just a box to close the circuit. This little black box was attached to a bracket under the stock seat but not wired to anything. As long as it's plugged into the black box the airbag light goes off. So I should just be able to tuck it under the seat and not worry about it. 20191031_131830.jpg20191031_131822.jpg20191031_131843.jpg

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And for anyone interested in a better view than my other thread. This is the tumble lever all you gotta do is push down on it and the mount will tumble. So even though my PRP seats won't be attached to it I can still reach under and make it tumble if I need to20191031_133724.jpg20191031_133744.jpg

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Interested to hear what you did for airbags. I may have bought some mastercrafts. 🤪

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Interested to hear what you did for airbags. I may have bought some mastercrafts. [emoji2957]

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The drivers side seems simple enough that one connection made the airbag light go out. The passenger side though I haven't dove into yet. I've seen some videos of people pulling the seat weight sensor out of the stock one and putting it in the new seat via the 5th point slot underneath and that's what I plan to try but I will post up what I find out when I get there

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So plan of attack right now for the drivers side buckle. I plan to attach it to the back right corner seat mount. With it attached at that point right now the buckle is pretty buried but I can still buckle it. Where I really want it to sit is about 3" higher so this weekend I am going to get some steel bar and drill some holes to bolt to the buckle and to the seat mount as an extension. Feels janky to do that but my engineering background tells me there should be no difference in strength over how it is mounted stock.

The passenger side buckle has the airbag accelerometer dildo looking thing on it so I imagine it will look a bit different but I'll deal with that when I get there 20191101_222147.jpg20191101_222208.jpg20191101_223054.jpg20191101_223036.jpg

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