Houston Area Suds 'n Grub 6/12/16

Everyone this was an awesome turnout! Im glad so many were able to come out and just relax on this crazy rainy Sunday :cheers:
glad to of seen old and meet a bunch of new people.
Kyle, great job for setting this up and thanks a bunch for the stickers bud :thumb:
Good times today! Great to meet you all. Looking forward to the next get together, and of course HF coming up.

Absolutely man, glad you came out! It was great to see everybody today, we need to do that often.

Great time indeed. Good to meet new friends and see the old ones!

It was so great to meet you all!! Looking forward to the next meet up!

Everyone this was an awesome turnout! Im glad so many were able to come out and just relax on this crazy rainy Sunday :cheers:
glad to of seen old and meet a bunch of new people.
Kyle, great job for setting this up and thanks a bunch for the stickers bud :thumb:

Awesome time guys! Thanks to everyone who showed up! Texas WAL Houston is definately growing. I'm excited to get back out on the trails with the growing group. We need another SNG for sure before the next Hiddenfalls trip! :thumb:
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