How many people really read the fourm rules - It's a waste of time!

I didn't know up dating my profile was a rule damn I need to go re read all these rules .. And the money talk was because Eddie was trying to call me in educated and I was making a point of I know people who have know high school degree and are doing better most people in general me included so it shouldn't matter if you have a phd or no degree

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life

He doesn't need to call you uneducated you are doing just fine demonstrating that on your own. Sorry for the big words I'll dumb it down next time.

Sent from my whatchamacallit
I love the fanboy's so original. Eddie and Cindy are personal friends of mine. While I have wheeled with them on several occasions, I have also spent a lot of time with them NOT WHEELING. That is what real friends do. If being a friend to someone makes you a fanboy then I guess I'm guilty as charged.

I'm jumping on this point too. :yup: Eddie, Cindy and many others on here I consider friends and spent time off the trail. While I'm new to wheeling, I try to help out in other ways using what I do know and what my wife knows to help friends. With how sad and busy my life generally is, most of my friends are in fact people I've met on Wayalife. So I back and support this place, Eddie and Cindy, and my other friends whenever needed. :thumb:
He doesn't need to call you uneducated you are doing just fine demonstrating that on your own. Sorry for the big words I'll dumb it down next time.

Sent from my whatchamacallit

Yup I'm uneducated just a big ol dumb redneck yup !!! 😬😎😂😂😂

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life
Yup I'm uneducated just a big ol dumb redneck yup !!! 😬😎😂😂😂

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life

No you don't quite deserve the red neck title , rednecks don't live in 3500 a month apartments...

Sent from my whatchamacallit
I didn't know up dating my profile was a rule damn I need to go re read all these rules ..

For a guy who goes on and on about hating drama, you sure are the queen of queens.

And the money talk was because Eddie was trying to call me in educated

The word you were trying to use is "UN-educated", not "IN". :naw:

and I was making a point of I know people who have know high school degree and are doing better most people in general me included so it shouldn't matter if you have a phd or no degree.

Oh, sorry. I didn't know you "know people" who have "no" (not "know") high school "diploma" (a "degree" is what you earn from going to college) and are doing better than most people in general - you included (what a surprise). :crazyeyes:
I'm jumping on this point too. :yup: Eddie, Cindy and many others on here I consider friends and spent time off the trail. While I'm new to wheeling, I try to help out in other ways using what I do know and what my wife knows to help friends. With how sad and busy my life generally is, most of my friends are in fact people I've met on Wayalife. So I back and support this place, Eddie and Cindy, and my other friends whenever needed. :thumb:

I was never saying that Eddie didn't have friends on here or what it may be I'm stating that there are a lot of Eddie fan boys who worship him n think he's the shit ... Not saying you are one of them I saying in general on here there are a lot of people on here who act like it n they may have never met him

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life
For a guy who goes on and on about hating drama, you sure are the queen of queens.

The word you were trying to use is "UN-educated", not "IN". :naw:

Oh, sorry. I didn't know you "know people" who have "no" (not "know") high school "diploma" (a "degree" is what you earn from going to college) and are doing better than most people in general - you included (what a surprise). :crazyeyes:

Glad all you can get me on is my poor grammar and shitty Kentucky education I have 👍👍👍

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life
Damn I must be making all y'all's day today you got something to talk about 
I'll be back later to check up on y'all have a good day

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life

Yup I'm uneducated just a big ol dumb redneck yup !!! 

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life

You know its one thing to come on here and attempt to prove a point about something like bullying, and I'll give it to you, you tried. It's a sad thing when you have moved from proving that one point to showing how uneducated you are. It doesn't matter what people think of you in the big picture of life. But you are now just going on and on abuot stupid shit that is pointless. Why not just move on already?
This is like one of those bad car wrecks, you know you shouldn't watch, but you can't help it!

Sent from my whatchamacallit
You know its one thing to come on here and attempt to prove a point about something like bullying, and I'll give it to you, you tried. It's a sad thing when you have moved from proving that one point to showing how uneducated you are. It doesn't matter what people think of you in the big picture of life. But you are now just going on and on abuot stupid shit that is pointless. Why not just move on already?

The point is still going on as you can see it a thing to team up on one guy and make them feel like they don't belong or uneducated and that my friend is being a bully !!!

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life
I know people who have NO high school degree and are doing better most people in general me included so it shouldn't matter if you have a phd or no degree

Fixed it for you again...

And you're right...we should have you as a guest speaker around the nation teaching 6th graders to drop out of school because education is over-rated. Being a rapper, selling drugs, or having a substantially lower pay scale than your peers, on average, with an education is where it's at :thumb:

So durring koh you wanna wheel I'll show you around the trails I'll be there let's wheel

You of all people should know that he has a couple trips planned for next January. Therefore, prior to KOH, he will have already used up his 2 run quota for a year. Want to internet wheel with him instead?
The point is still going on as you can see it a thing to team up on one guy and make them feel like they don't belong or uneducated and that my friend is being a bully !!!

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life

It's not being a bully if the "victim" is attacking the "bullies".
The point is still going on as you can see it a thing to team up on one guy and make them feel like they don't belong or uneducated and that my friend is being a bully !!!

2013 jkr
And no I did not forget the u in jkr :) 2 door life

You have no idea what a bully is... Like a lot of things you have no clue about...

Sent from my whatchamacallit
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