What happened guys?

LOL - I think you've confused our moderators with your preacher. These guys are just regular members who've agreed to help enforce MY rules and on their time. Maybe I need to change their titles to something different so that they don't have to carry the baggage you seem to think they should be carrying.

You'd be playing into some testosterone dreams if people get the title of "Enforcer", "Heavy", "Hatchetman", etc.
Well apparently you do. Remember that PM you sent me a while back saying I was brought up at your suds n grub and how people don't like me and this and that? I think this issue makes your and your friend's vaginas hurt more then it should. This is the internet. The fucking Internet. You have met me before, I say the same shit in person as I do on here.

I start my day with 12 fucks and end my day with a dozen fucks. That's how many fucks I give.

Please hold and I will post up that PM for everyone to read.

That pm was different.. The people at the suds and grub didn't like you, and I said you were just an asshole, but that it wasn't a bad thing, it make you who you are. Without your brutal honesty, I don't know what you would be like. -I don't have a problem with you, or the fact that you're an asshole. I said you are an asshole- Didn't say it was a bad thing- I think I am an asshole quite frequently an that's what I told them too.
We need you here Adam.


Btw- I hope you don't think I'm a troll, I just don't have a problem saying what I think. (Ok- I guess I am a hypocrite)
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You say that like its bad thing?! I'll still sleep sound tonight knowing you don't like me ONLY because I have an opinion that you don't like.
Geez- I want this to be done, but it's really like you can't read. I never said it was about opinions! It's the useless trash talk after the opinions are made.

So I'm trash talking because I told Eddie I agree with what he does and to keep that shit up?! Or is it because I trashed talked then gave my opinion that's got you worked up?
First rule of holes…

If you find yourself in one, stop digging. :idontknow:

I've been trying to leave it alone and let it die, but I'm going to respond when people continually get the point wrong.

I know I've failed In conveying my intent- but I'm not going to listen to people put word in my mouth.
So I'm trash talking because I told Eddie I agree with what he does and to keep that shit up?! Or is it because I trashed talked then gave my opinion that's got you worked up?

You're missing the point that this was not about what Eddie does.
The forum that I joined that was fun and friendly has just turned into a place where people are scared to post what they actually think in fear of getting ridiculed.

David, I've read this over and over and can't quite get anything but negativity and a loaded opinion from it. People are SCARED to post what they think? Wow. I for one actually respect people who stick to their guns, when they are right. When they are right, is the key.

What kind of panty waste would be SCARED to post their opinion on an Internet site? Furthermore where did you get this information? Did you survey a key demographic of the Wayalife Community? :thinking:
You're missing the point that this was not about what Eddie does.

Well I don't know what your really trying to accomplish with this thread if you say you like the way it's run and yet at the same time don't but either way my opinion still stands and I wouldn't change the way I said it. Good luck in your quest.
David, I've read this over and over and can't quite get anything but negativity and a loaded opinion from it. People are SCARED to post what they think? Wow. I for one actually respect people who stick to their guns, when they are right. When they are right, is the key.

What kind of panty waste would be SCARED to post their opinion on an Internet site? Furthermore where did you get this information? Did you survey a key demographic of the Wayalife Community? :thinking:

Frank, I thought I was standing up for what was right. Problem is- nobody else can see it or believes me, and I'm not throwing names of the friends who have the concerns. It really was with good intentions. It's not like I just woke up and decided to have a bunch of people hate me from now on. Should it have been a pm to Eddie?- yeah.. But it likely would've been brought out anyway, and at least this way I get to pic the title!

We should move this thread over to "whatcha cooking"
Trash talking is typical in fourm environments and there is a lot less here in my opinion then on others forums such as my boy friends motorcycle fourm where trash talking is taken to a whole other level.

With the years of industry experience and a nice following the fourm, Eddie and Cindy are exposed to several differing options, personal attacks, business shenanigans, lies, backstabbing and so on. A risk with reward that I'm confident they understand but it doesn't make it right or deserved.

Topics or conversations are exposed so that you're able to form your own thoughts on the matter through the transparency.

There are a lot of people that crave extra attention even if it means negative attention.

For those who you may run into who have a negative reaction to decals they were likely not truly involved here where they met and made friends. I'm sure in some cases they may not have even been a member and have chosen to make someone else's baggage their own based on something they read or heard.
This thread had me thinking. My closest friends talks to me way worse. I guess I can consider most of you guys friends now

I read this within about a minute & a half of thinking the same thing! The last couple pages I've been thinking a lot of people need to experience racing or other cut-throat competition at higher levels. I raced off-road motorcycles for years; you do what you have to on single track to pass if your pace is faster than the guy in front of you- including 'bumping' or tapping their rear tire in a corner to get them off the trail so passing is even possible! Once in awhile someone gets butt-hurt & confrontational after the race- usually inexperienced guys that finish at the end of their class anyway. Most guys party afterwards & joke about it! Friends & family are almost always the only ones to tell you like it is, and this forum gives me that kind of feeling when I go through the posts. I don't hardly ever post because I don't have to- by the time I have something to say, usually it has already been said & I can just laugh!
LOL!! I know, right? All my closest friends will tell it to me straight and then some and I prefer it that way.

LOL!! And then there's that :crazyeyes:

That is a true statement :cheesy:

Say it isn't so - you mean you actually just walk away from something you don't want to be a part of.... and you're okay with that??? :shock: :crazyeyes:

And that's why there are so many haters out there. They all seem to think that some of us are somehow undeserving of the trophies we have.

Thank you for your support. I have no intensions of changing anything.

This is one of the things that makes me feel we are a lot alike! Whenever something comes up like this (someone suggests changes, or critiques YOUR forum) it seems like you dig your heels in and are that much more steadfast in your beliefs, and ways of doing things. I'm not an active member, but am here religiously every day because this forum is about & for jeepers, not bench racers- you guys are livin' it, not just talking about it; and I will participate more when I have lived it a bit! I'll get a bit of that experience in July in the Ouray area; and hope to meet some Wayalife members, as I know a few are going to be in that area the first couple weeks of July.
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