Jane is Up and Running Again!

Holy hell!! Talk about looking for a needle in a haystack!! Thoroughly checked all the wiring to make sure they were whole and repaired any questionable connectors. I then started to do some basic starter troubleshooting and initially came up with what I thought was a bad starter solenoid. Well, a quick trip to Autozone and a new solenoid later, the damn thing still wouldn’t even click.

So, I started the pains taking process of tracing wires. Would have been so much easier if the wires present were colors that matched what was in the FSM wiring diagram or were at least not faded to the point of not being real sure if I was looking at a red, orange or maybe even pink wire. Of course, it would have been real helpful if the wires were at least the same color all the way across instead of going from yellow to red and then blue! This whole thing was frustrating as hell being that I knew what wire I needed and where it should go but I just couldn’t find it. As luck would have it, Cindy was looking through the FSM and noticed that the wire in question would be a 10 gauge and this got me thinking about a couple of really thick wires that I left disconnected behind the dash. They were for the factory amperes meter, something that wasn’t covered in the wiring diagram and looked to be about 10 gauge wires. And, while the colors in question were still wrong, it started to make a lot of sense that these wires needed to be connected to the meter or at least to each other and that’s what I did.

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